Thursday, June 28, 2012

July 17th meeting is ON

The commission has indicated that the meeting for the 17th of July is on, 7:30pm at the Community Center.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 5th Commission Meeting canceled

The Commission has announced that the May 1st Meeting has been canceled while the letting of the RFP continues to be worked on.

Apparently what is happening is the new Cherry Hill administration has refused to be the fiscal agent for the RFP and consultant contract claiming concerns about liability. To our knowledge the liability surrounding this RFP is no greater than the other numerous contracts let by either township, so we must conclude that this is an excuse to block the Consoidation Study by political interests. This is a clear thwart of the legal Consolidation Study process which is underway, and reflects poorly on all the politicians involved.

Stay tuned for developments.